09.12.2019 • 

1. what does a virus need to replicate?

a) capsid, tail, and spikes

b) dna only

c) set of prions

d) host cell

2. what type of diagram is shown in the illustration below? (photo attached below)

a) dichotomous key

b) cladogram

c) dna profile

d) pedigree

3. what did pasteur’s experiment with sterile broth show?

a) only living things can produce other living things.

b) organic molecules could be produced from gases.

c) meteroites broought the first organic molecules to earth.

d) organic reactions in deep-sea volcanic vents preceded life’s emergence.

4. which is an example of selective breeding?

a) breeding tomatoes to increase fruit size

b) crossing two plants with desirable traits

c) inserting genes from one plant into another

d) returning bred plants to their natural habitat

5. what is the effect of sickle-cell anemia?

a) blocked respiratory pathways

b) decreased neurological functions

c) inefficient oxygen transportation

d) susceptibility to contracting malaria

1. what does a virus need to replicate?  a) capsid, tail, and spikes b) dna

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