28.11.2020 • 


Uncle Larry hates turkey. He hates the smell, the sight and everything else having to do with turkey. However, Uncle Larry needs to purchase the turkey at the store immediately so that Aunt Velma can cook it. Aunt Velma cannot go to the store because she is preparing other items.

Aunt Velma has a tendency to say embarrassing things about her daughter during family gatherings. In order for the gathering to happen peacefully, Aunt Velma needs to be taught a new way to make conversation.

Little Billy (who is 9 years old) likes to make everyone laugh with his loud belches in the middle of a meal. However, Grandma thinks this behavior is unacceptable. Little Billy needs to cease belching during the meal so that Grandma doesn’t make a scene.

Mom gets really anxious when Grandma gets upset and starts nitpicking about tiny issues. She does not have the ability to control her anxiety. How can you help Mom to unlearn her anxious response to Grandma’s snappy attitude?

Cousin MaryAnn is such cute young lady. Unfortunately, she hasn’t learned to say please and thank you. Grandma gets really snappy with the young children when they forget their manners. MaryAnn needs to be ready to act appropriately real soon.

Dad usually falls asleep right after Thanksgiving dinner and Mom and Aunt Velma start to fight over the stress of cleaning up after dinner. Dad doesn’t like to be told what to do, but he needs to help clean up. If Dad helps to clean up, then Mom and Aunt Velma won’t upset Grandma due to their excessive bickering.

Celia, your two-year-old niece, likes to eat pumpkin pie and rolls with lots of butter but nothing else. What can be done to get her to eat a more healthful meal?

Buddy loves to watch the parade over and over again but his sister Susie wants to watch football (she has $10 riding on the game). One of them has to give in. How will you help the loser of this fight get over not getting his/her way?

Grandpa and his son Sam have been in a fight that has been going on for over two months. If just one of them could learn to forgive and forget, the other would give in and just get over it and they could enjoy a peaceful meal. How will you get one of them to give in?

Teenage Sally finds family gatherings boring. She would rather hang out with her friends (or at the least texting them from the privacy of her bedroom). What can be done to keep her in the family fold for longer than three bites of turkey?

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