07.10.2020 • 

A 1. An amoeba is a unicellular organism. 2. When a human steps out into the cold air, the body begins to shiver in order to keep its temperature at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. 3. Green plants produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis. 4. An adult hydra is producing its offspring through budding, 5. The roots of a plant grow towards a source of ground water. 6. Over three years, Tim's height has increased from 5'4" to 5'11". 7. A pill bug eats a carrot. 8. A baby songbird hatches from its egg with both parent songbirds watching. 9. A tulip opens up in the morning at sunrise and closes up in the evening at sunset. 10. Identical twins have 99.999% of the same genes. 11. A caterpillar hibernates in a cocoon, and emerges as a butterfly.

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