20.10.2020 • 

List the different types of processes mentioned in the animation and explain whether it an example of weathering, erosion, or deposition. Describe how and where each type of weathering, erosion, or deposition occurs.
Explain what an outwash plain is and what types of materials are deposited there? Where did they originally come from?

(here is the transcript of the animation)
Glaciers are frozen rivers of ice, and they have immense power to change the landscape, carving out mountains as they flow downhill.

Glaciers shape the landscape in three ways. Water flowing along the bottom of the glacier seeps down into the bedrock, and when it freezes, it opens up cracks.
This is known as Freeze-Thaw weathering. Pieces then come loose and get pulled along with the glacier. This is called Plucking.

These loose pieces scrape along the bottom like sandpaper, taking more rocks with them, and smoothing out the bedrock. This is called abrasion.

As the glacier flows down the mountain, it gets warmer and starts to melt, and anything that doesn't melt gets left behind on the ground. This called deposition.

Deposition at the end of a glacier is called a terminal morraine. Often an outwash plain occurs in front of a terminal morraine where sands and gravel sediments are left behind

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