23.10.2021 • 

Place them in order for me . How is coal formed? Place the steps of coal formation in the correct order. A nonrenewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be reproduced grown, or regenerated in a timely manner. Once depleted, there will be no
more available for future use. Fossil fuels are an example of a nonrenewable resource: when we use the term "fossil fuel we are referring to coal, oil,
and natural gas
TEBAN Move to Bottom
Anthracite is the highest rank of coal. It
has the most amount of carbon
bituminous coulis formed under more
heat and pressure, and is 100 million to
300 million years old
Carbonization. Increased temperature
and pressure, mostly carbon remains
Burial - Remains of plants repeatedly
covered with sediment as ocean levels
rise and fall 500mya
Lignite - 25% carbon plus brown coal
Vast swamps during Carboniferous period.

Place them in order for me . How is coal formed? Place the steps of coal formation in the correct o

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