11.12.2021 • 

When corn is picked at the right time, it tastes sweet due to its high sugar content. Soon after being picked, the corn plant uses enzymes to convert the sugars to starch.
Doing this allows the plant to store energy better as sugar is water soluble, but starch
is not. After a single day, corn can convert half of its sugars into starch. The sweetness
in corn can be preserved by boiling freshly picked corn and then cooling it. Boiling
water is hot enough to break some of the weaker bonds in the amino acids that make
up enzymes.
Which of the following arguments is supported by this information?
A. Heat helps enzymes and will speed the process of converting sugar to starch.
B. Changing the structure of enzymes can cause them to no longer perform their
C. Energy is stored best as a sugar because the bonds in sugar can not be
broken by heat.
D. When boiling water breaks the bonds of amino acids, it also breaks the bonds
of starches.

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