15.08.2020 • 

Advertising is an important aspect of monopolistic competition and oligopoly because brand distinction encourages consumer loyalty, which increases profits. there is product homogeneity in these industries. price changes are not allowed. there are significant substitution possibilities in these industries. b. Advertising promotes efficiency and benefits consumers by helping consumers determine their preferences and limiting the number of products firms have to produce. helping consumers determine their preferences and increasing the number of products firms have to produce. providing information about new products, reducing the number of firms in the industry, and raising average revenue. providing information about new products, increasing sales and output, and lowering average total cost. c. Which of the following statements is true? Persuasive advertising can increase brand loyalty, which encourages new entry into the industry. Persuasive advertising can be important in encouraging new entry into the industry. Excessive advertising can decrease brand loyalty, which encourages new entry into the industry. Persuasive advertising can be excessive, creating a barrier to entering the industry.

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