21.05.2020 • 

Four key markets and the circular flow of income
The circular-flow diagram is a visual model of the economy. The circular
flow of income is coordinated by four key markets.
1. The resource market coordinates businesses demanding resources and
households supplying them in exchange for income capital into balance with
the borrowing by businesses and governments. with sales (exports plus net
inflow of capital) to them government purchases, and net exports) with the
supply of domestically produced goods and.
2. The loanable funds market brings the net saving of households plus the net
inflow of foreign.
3. The foreign exchange market brings the purchases (imports) from foreigners into
4. The goods and services market coordinates the demand (consumption,
investment, services (real GDP). For each transaction in the following table,
identify which of the four key markets the transaction
Transaction Goods and Foreign Loanable Resource
Services Exchange Funds Market
Marke Market Market
A domestic car company purchases
a new welding machine from a local manufacturer.
The government spends more than it has in tax
revenue, running a budget deficit that is financed
with government bonds.
A local business borrows $100,000 from a bank.
A local business hires a consultant to retrain its employees.

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