15.12.2020 • 

FREE POINTSFREE POINTSFREE POINTSFREE POINTSFREE POINTS there is a catch. in order to get the points, you must do the notes below and there is a screenshot of the link. :) (anyone who finishes this first and completes the notes plus the summary will be brainiest) As you watch the video, fill in the notes that I have added. (to be brainiest you must complete the summary as well) complete a 4-5 sentence summary on the impact Zuckerberg has had on American business.
Entrepreneur Name: Mark Zuckerberg

4 Businesses/Companies (Over the span of their Lifetime):

4Child-hood Experiences:

Personality Traits

2 Strengths and 2 Weakness (what are his weaknesses and strengths)

4 Challenging set-backs he has:

The person that had the most influence on them.


In 5 sentences answer the following prompt: What is their enduring contribution to American Business?

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