31.08.2021 • 

Prepare a brief report outlining your potential for and interest in becoming an entrepreneur. Also, discuss three entrepreneurial ventures you might consider and how they align to your
skills and interests.
You may use online resources to find information about skills and entrepreneurial ventures.
Cover the following points:
• Make an inventory of your skills and interests-list around 7-10 points.
• Write a paragraph summarizing your comfort level with the risks of an entrepreneurial
• Assuming that your risk tolerance is lower than it would need to be, what steps could
you to take in your career to address that? (Suggestion: Rather than taking the larger
risk of starting a venture from scratch, consider joining an existing start-up venture or
perhaps purchasing a franchise or existing business.)
• Given your skills and interests, list three possible entrepreneurial ventures you might
consider and explain how they align to your skills and interests.

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