21.02.2020 • 

Ammonia is a common constituent of many natural waters and wastewaters. when water containing ammonia is treated at a water treatment plant, the ammonia reacts with the disinfectant hypochlorous acid (HOCl) in solution to form monochloroamine (NH2Cl) as follows:

NH3 + HOCl > NH2Cl + H2O

The rate law for this reaction is:

d[NH3]/dt = -k[HOCl][NH3]

a) what is the reaction order with respect to NH3?
b) What order is this reaction overall?
c) If the HOCl concentration is held constant and equals10^-4 M, and the rate constant equals 5.1 x 10^6 L/moles-s, calculate the time required to reduce the concentration of NH3 to one half its original value.

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