20.11.2019 • 

Identify all of the physical changes that take place during the making of the omelet.

sara is making an omelet. she cracks open 6 eggs and places them in a bowl. she adds some milk, salt, and pepper to the eggs and mixes them together with a whisk. next she takes half of a green pepper and cuts it up into small pieces. she also cuts up some ham and onion. then, sara sprays her pan with cooking spray and then pours in the egg mixture. she lets this cook a little while until it becomes firm. now she adds the green pepper, ham, onion, and some cheese. she then folds half of the eggs over the top to make a half-moon shape. she lets it heat a while longer until the cheese melts and the edges turn brown.

cutting pepper

cutting onion

cooking eggs

mixing eggs

folding eggs over

melting cheese

cutting ham

edges turn brown

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