24.11.2020 • 

In this task, you’ll analyze the metal strips from test tubes 1 and 5 in task 1 to determine what kinds of changes occurred to them. If you need a refresher on using the electronic balance, watch this video about measuring mass. Estimated time to complete: 45 minutes

If you’ve purchased an Edmentum lab kit, remove the items that appear in the equipment list. You’ll also need distilled or tap water and paper towels for cleanup.

You’ll need these materials:
electronic balance
Erlenmeyer flask
filter paper
wash bottle with distilled water (tap water is acceptable but may skew experimental results)
test tube brush
paper towels
Always work safely:
Keep lids on the chemical bottles at all times, except when you’re actively dispensing from a bottle.
Wear an apron, goggles, and gloves anytime you’re working with chemicals, including during disposal procedures.
Don’t mix chemicals together except as instructed in the laboratory procedure.
If a chemical splashes into your eyes, immediately remove any contact lenses and flush your eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.
To begin the task, follow these steps. Then proceed to part A.

Use forceps to remove the metal strip from test tube 1. Rinse the strip with water, and set it on a paper towel to dry.
Use forceps to remove the metal strip from test tube 5. Rinse the strip with water, and set it on a paper towel to dry.
Part A

Weigh the mass of the dried metal strips from test tubes 1 and 5 using the electronic balance. Record their masses in the table.

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