A Simple Shell for File Redirection. Design and implement a simple shell program to read a command with a file redirection. Here we use the following file-redirection symbols as follow: "in=infile" for input file named "infile", "out=outfile" for output file named "outfile", "app=appfile" for output to be appended a file named "appfile". For example, "ls out=out.txt" will output the result of the command to a file named out.txt.
Name your program: a2prog2.c
Note. You should use the sample program (provided below) as your base code to implement this part.
Warning: Do not use any "system(…)" function call throughout this assignment.
For example (and for your test cases). Your current working directory is a3part1.
1. whoami
2. date
3. pwd
4. echo "Assignment3 Part1 #2 start"
5. ls
6. ls out=p1out1.txt
7. wc in=p1out1.txt
8. cat in=p1out1.txt
9. date out=p1out2.txt
10. date app=p1out2.txt
11. cat in=p1out2.txt
12. wc in=p1out1.txt out=p1out4.txt
13. cat in=p1out4.txt
14. echo "Assignment3 Part1 #2 done"
15. date
#3. Provide a Makefile file to compile your program.

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