Consider the following segment of code, which prompts the user for a string of lowercase characters (no capitals, spaces, digits, or punctuation) and prints True if the string is palindrome and false otherwise. This implementation is recursive and uses a deque. Because the user expects to provide a string instead of a deque instance, we use a wrapper function. The user calls is_palindrome and provides a string. is_palindrome forms a deque with the contents of the string and sends the deque object to the recursive rec_palindrome function. Both functions return Boolean values. Be sure not to include any unnecessary spaces in your answers. For example, keywords like and and or need spaces around them. Operators such as== as and < do not.

from Deque_Generator import get _deque
def rec palindrome (dq): if return else:

def is_palindrome (character_string)
for c in character_string:


print(is_palindrome (input ("Enter a phrase of lowercase characters only: ")))

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