Create a script called retail_store.js. In this script code the following: A. Class and Constructor Creation
RetailItem Class
Create a constructor function or ES6 class for a RetailItem object. The RetailItem object should store the following data in attributes: item description, units in inventory, and price.
CashRegister Class
Create a constructor function or ES6 class for a CashRegister object that will be used with the RetailItem class. The CashRegister object should be able to internally keep an array of RetailItem objects.
B. Methods to add
CashRegister Class
The class should have the following methods:
A method named purchaseItem that accepts a RetailItem object as an argument. Each time the purchaseItem method is called, the RetailItem object that is passed as an argument should be added to the list of retailItems the CashRegister contains.
A method named getTotal that returns the total price of all the RetailItem objects stored in the CashRegister objects internal list.
A method named showItems that writes the information about each retail item stored in the cash register to the console.
A method named clear that should clear CashRegister object’s internal list.
C. Test Program
After you have created the classes. Create three RetailItem objects and store the following data in them:
DescriptionUnits In InventoryPrice
Item #1Jacket1151.99
Item #2Jeans2136.99
Item #3Shirt3424.99
Store all three RetailItem objects in an array named "inventory"
Next, create a CashRegister object.
Add all the items to the CashRegister using the purchaseItem method. Display the total using the CashRegister getTotal method. Display all the items using the CashRegister showItems method.

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