Homework Relational Algebra Write each of the following queries in Relational Algebra( we will work with the emp and dept tables): (1) Display the details of SMITH.- (2) Find the employees whose department number is 4. (3) List each employee's name and salary.. (4) Find the empno, names and salaries of all employees whose salaries are less than 3000.- (5) Find the empno, names and salaries of all employees whose salaries are between 2000 and 3000.- (6) Find the empno, names and salaries of all employees who have been hired by a SALES department. (7) Find the empno, names and salaries of all employees who are not working in SALES department. (8) Find the Ford's empno, job, salary, department name and department location. (9) Find the empno, names and salaries of all employees whose salaries are less than BLAKE's salary. (10)Find the empno and salaries of all employees with the highest salary.

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