Swift code

import foundation

protocol taksperformer {

func doathing()


class employee: taksperformer {

let name: string

var boss: boss?

init(name: string) {

self.name = name


func doathing() {

print("\(name) is doing a thing")



class boss {

var employee: employee

let name: string

init(name: string, employee: employee) {

self.name = name

self.employee = employee

employee.boss = self


func actlikeaboss() {




// 1)

// a) what is wrong with the current implementation of boss and employee, why is it wrong, and how can we demonstrate that there is an issue?


// b) what pattern discussed in class does the boss - employee relationship remind you of? give an example of the discussed pattern.


// c) create a person class that has the following property:

// let name: string

// now have employee and boss inherit from person


// d) you realize that there are speciffic tasks you would like an employee to perform. all tasks look like this:

// func makecoffe(_ name: string) {

// print("\(name) made coffe")

// }


// func writereport(_ name: string) {

// print("\(name) wrote a report")

// }

// modify boss, employee and taskperformer in a way that a boss can be instantiated with the following constructor:

// boss(name: "bossman", employee: anemployee, tasks: [makecoffe, writereport])

// the employee instance should perform the tasks.

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