What is web development? Web development refers to building, creating, and maintaining websites. It includes aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management.



An overview
Hyper Text Markup Language ( HTML) is a markup language for creating a webpage. In easier words, HTML is a kind of programming language that can make a new webpage.

CSS is a rule-based language — you define rules specifying groups of styles that should be applied to particular elements

JavaScript is a scripting language for the web. It is an interpreted language, which means it does not need a compiler to translate its code like C or C++.

Technology serves a variety of purposes and means different things to different people. In today’s world technology can be found at every corner. From the local convenience store to your local deli shop, technology makes the world function more efficiently. While some are reluctant to embrace new technological advancements, most of us have some form of technology in our household. The smartphone and home computer are probably the two pieces of technology most households have. There’s no debating that technology has become integral in our daily lives, for better and maybe for worse for using html code

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