Your assignment is to write a class averaging program that outputs a summary of classes and students, given input data in a specific format (more on that in a bit). For a high-level view, look at the sample program execution below. Your program will read from an input file (courseData.txt) a number of data items, stored in the file in the following order:

(1) Global data is on the first line, as this applies to all classes. This first line holds the weights to use for all classes,

in this order: program weight, midterm weight, and final exam weight.

(2) Every other line in the file is specific to a class, and so the next line starts with a course identifier

(161, 162, or 263, and this is an int).

(3) After the course identifier ,a set of lines belonging to that course are listed, each with a student ID (four digits, such as 1234),

an unweighted program score, an unweighted midterm score, and an unweighted final score.

(4) Reaching a 0 indicates the end of input for a specific class ,or the end of file if all class data has been consumed.

Given this data file, your program should:

(1) Be well-documented with comments! I’ve included a number of comments in the sample code

below as examples. This is the first assignment where you’ll be graded on both correctness and code quality,

with respect comments. (Read the grading rubric for a list of everything you’ll be graded on!)

(2) Read in weights, IDs, coursenumbers ,programs scores, midterm scores, and final scores per student from

the sample input file provided (using Scanner or FileReader).

(3) :

a. Output a weighted average per student.

b.Output a Pass/Fail mark per student.

c. Output an average per class.

(4) .

(5) There should be at least one method that you write that can be used to provide output for tracing variables:

a.The method should be called test-something, e.g., testStatistics.

b.Somewhere in your program, there should be a call to that method. In the code you

submit, that call should be commented out, but I should be able to find it.

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