29.11.2019 • 

1.which is a focus for a second reading of a drama in the multi-­draft reading process?
a.draw conclusions about theme based on evidence.
b.analyze stage directions and dialogue that advances the action.
c.identify where and when the action occurs.
d.compare and contrast the work with other works.

here is the the plays setting

[it is evening on the front porch of a small cabin in the woods. a lantern placed on a porch table gives of a soft glow. the buzzing of insects and croaking of frogs can be heard in the distance. now and then there is the sound of water splashing, as if a fish has jumped in a pond. a gray ­haired woman in her sixties rocks back and forth in a rocking chair on the porch. her granddaughter, an 8 ­year ­old girl, sits beside her. the woman lightly smooths the child's hair as the girl smiles lovingly at her grandmother.]

3. what do you learn about the girl and her grandmother from the stage directions? (1 point)
a.the girl needs a lot of attention.
b.they enjoy each others company.
c.the grandmother spends many hours rocking back and forth.
d.they like to watch the sun set over the water.

4.which line from the stage directions best indicates the closeness of the girl and her grandmother

a.a lantern placed on a porch table gives off a soft glow.
b.a gray ­haired woman in her sixties rocks back and forth in a rocking chair on the porch.
c.her granddaughter, an 8 ­year o­ld girl, sits beside her.
d.the woman lightly smooths the child's hair as the girl smiles lovingly at her grandmother.

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