14.08.2021 • 

1. With wings I fly, with beauty I would have survived, and for light I pry. What am I? 2. In a time of light, I stand with you, but within darkness I die?

3. I have four legs at dawn, two In the evening and three at dusk, what am I?

4. I can cleanse your mind but not your body, I can help you lay, but not conceal your odour. What am I?

5. An item stolen from birth, and yet desired when broken, my value is sought by those named Gordon.

6. What strays ahead but incapable to see?

7. I get larger the more i erode? What am I?

8. Some avoid it out of natural fear, others desire it in times of dread, at anytime it strikes leaving both stone and rain in its demise?

9. A token of symbolism, a necessity of a state, it is intertwined with both history and your fate, it wavers like a snake. What am I?

10. I stand by the people, with the people and for the people. What am I?

11. With a spin i release or with a spin I close, yet despite my power, I remain at home. What am I?

12. Easily accessible and as white as snow, during the pandemic, my value had grown.

13. I journey through cities and continents and yet I’m stuck in place. What am I?

14. Royalty will have it open for their jesters and councillors. Animals shall do it for the longevity of their species. And athletes of all sorts shall trample on me day in and out. what am I?

15. Defined by black and white, I am trapped within a box, yet despite my status, I may evolve. What am I?

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