06.05.2020 • 

13.Read the passage and then answer the questions:
WAITER: [looking up happily] Mademoiselle and monsieur. Please take this seat by the window. [pulls chair out for PATRICIA]
PATRICIA: [sniffs flowers on the table] It's so romantic. So sophisticated, so charming, so And Look! a guitarist!
[RUDY sees that it's his UNCLE JUAN, who waves at him. RUDY shakes his head at his UNCLE, as if to say, Don't say anything.]
PATRICIA: It's a discriminating restaurant
RUDY: Do they discriminate against Latinos? If so, I ain't going to eat her. We'll go grub at Pollo Loco instead.
PATRICIA: No Rudy, It's just a very fine restaurant. And look. Cloth napkins. How fancy!
RUDY [Studies napkins] Looks like a diaper.
PATRICIA. Rudy, you're so silly.

QUESTION: Select dialogue from the waiter.
(1 Point)
"It's so romantic. So sophisticated, so charming, so And Look! a guitarist!"
" Looks like a diaper. "
"Mademoiselle and monsieur. Please take this seat by the window."
sniffs flowers on the table
shakes his head at his UNCLE, as if to say, Don't say anything.
Studies napkins

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