26.02.2020 • 

20. DUUTCmg Bettles
1. Describe Jimmy Cross and what he carries. Jimmy is the leader of the platoon; what
qualities do you see in him that makes him a good leader?
2. What does Martha symbolize to Jimmy Cross? Is it just love, or does Martha help Jimmy
in some way? Hint-virgin=innocence; do the men in this platoon still fell innocent?
3. Identify all of the men in the platoon and list what each one "carries."
4. Who is mentioned as dying in this first section? How do they deal with his death?
5. What kind of weapons does the platoon carry? List at least 5
6. Locate at least 2 metaphors and 2 similes in this section,
7. Identify your favorite quote from this section. Explain what is happening and why you
see it as valuable/important.
8. Explain how the realism in this section of reading helps to capture the reader's
attention. Choose a quote that captures realism and deep emotion from this section

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