22.03.2021 • 

3. Examine Name-Calling Attempting to discredit a position or idea by attacking people associated with it is name-calling. Find examples of name-calling in “The Weak Shall Inherit the Gym.” Does it make Reilly’s argument more or less convincing? Give reasons for your answer. 4. Analyze Tone What is Reilly’s tone, or attitude toward opponents of dodgeball? Explain how this tone might persuade readers to adopt his opinion of the game.
5. Make Judgments A stereotype is an overgeneralization about a person or group. In your opinion, is Reilly guilty of stereotyping? Explain.
6. Compare Persuasive Texts Consider the arguments and persuasive techniques that the NASPE and Reilly use to convince readers to adopt their positions. Then explain how each text reaches its conclusion, noting any similarities and differences between them.
7. Evaluate Rhetoric and Reasoning Reilly is writing to be funny, but he also has a point to make. Are you convinced by his argument and persuasion? Think about the fallacies you noted on your chart and any you discovered in answering questions 3 and 5. Then support your decision.
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