01.08.2021 • 

51. The number of the students in our class forty-four. A) were B) be C) are D) is 52. Advertisements on television_ becoming more competitive than ever before.

A) were B) to be C) are D) is

53. Two thirds of this cake for us and one third of itfor you.

A) were / is B) was / are C) are / am D) is / is

54. Neither John or his friends going to class today. A) were B) was C) are D) is

55. Not studying_ caused him many problems. A) have B) has C) to have D) having

56. Twenty dollars too much to pay for that shirt. A) were B) am C) are D) is

57. That he has passed the final examhis parents happy. A) to make B) makes C) make D) making

58. The effects of the alcohol drinkingbeen proved to be extremely harmful.

A) has B) have C) having D) to have

59. The majority that you are in on danger.

A) believes B) believe C) believing D) to believe

60. The majority of the students him to be innocent.

A) believes B) believe C) believing D) to believe

61. Not only he but also his friends this film. A) liking B) to like

62. This pair of scissors dull (khöng sång). A) am B) is C) are D) was

63. Everybody him because he as well as his family well-known.

A) love/ are B) loves/ is C) to love / were D) loving/ was

64. Either he or his parents seeing horror films. A) liking B) to like C) like D) likes

C) like D) likes

65. Athleticsmy favorite sports. A) am B) is C) are D) be

66. Both the boss and his secretary flying to Paris. A) am B) is C) are D) be

67. Half of the students in this class from southeast Asia. A) am B) is C) are D) be

68. Most of the furniture in my house comfortable. A) am B) is C) are D) be

69• Most of these books_ interesting for the children. A) am B) is C) are D) be

70. Eight hours of sleep_ enough for him to drive. . A) am B) is C) are D) be

71. Many famous pop stars been ruined by drugs. A) have B) has C) to have D) having

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