24.06.2020 • 

72 Q. Rewrite in reported speech.
1. Ram said, "You are late today."
2. He said, "I will write a letter tomorrow.”
3. He said to me, "I can easily beat you in the match.'
4. The mother said to her little girl, "I have told you not to play with fire."
5. "I have acted wisely,” said Dawa, "in what I did.”
6. “Call the accused,” said the Judge.
7. He said to Arun, “Lend me your pen, please.
8. Father said to me, “Work sincerely at all times."
9. The strange looking man said to me, “Wait here till I come back."
10. The boy said to the woman, "Why are you lying on the road?”
11. He said, “Will you listen to such a man?"
12. Pem said, "I have just eaten my breakfast."
13. Aristotle said, "Hard work is the key to success."
14. He said, "I go to meet my grandmother every Tuesday."
15. The teacher said, "The sun rises in the East."
16."What a horrible accident it is!" he said.
17. He says, "I'm ready."
18. Deki said, "I was writing a story."
19. Father said, "Last evening, I met my childhood friend."
20. The teacher said to me, "I have never seen such a funny boy as you are.

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