30.01.2021 • 

A. Rewrite each sentence. Change the underlined verb to the past tense. 1. My family lives here. We like this neighborhood.
2. I see my grandmother every day. She helps me with my homework.
3. I am happy to live near her. We have a lot of fun together
B. Complete each sentence with a verb from the box. Use the correct tense of
the verb: past, present, or future. You can use words more than once.
are call come live miss move stay visit
4. Last year, my family to New York.
5. My father here because of a new job.
6. When we left, my grandparents in the Philippines.
7. My sisters and I very sad the day we left.
8. Now, we very far from our grandparents.
9–10. A year ago, we next door to them. I still them.
11–12. They us every weekend. Next summer, we them.
C. Answer the questions about moving to a new place. Use past, present, and future tense verbs.
13. Who in your family has moved to a new community?
14. Is it difficult to be separated from family members?
15. How can you stay in touch with family members?
16. Tell about a visit to family members that you have made or might make in the future.
D. (17–20) Write at least four sentences to tell more about family members
who live far away. Use past, present, and future tense verbs.

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