05.10.2021 • 

A student is writing a research paper on beluga whales for her science class. The student wants to revise the draft to have more effective transitions. Read the draft of the report and complete the task that follows. Beluga whales are exceptional because of their physical traits and their social behavior. Belugas are one of the only whales without a dorsal fin. Instead, they have a dorsal ridge that helps them navigate through icy sea waters. Another trait that is unique to the beluga is its unfused vertebrae. This gives belugas the unusual ability to move their head up, down, and side–to–side.

Belugas are known to travel in groups or pods ranging from two or three up to several hundred. Another social behavior that makes them different is their communication. They are known as "sea canaries" because belugas are one of the most vocal of all whales. They also use clicks, chirps, and whistles to navigate and find prey.
Choose the transition sentence that best connects the two paragraphs.

A) Beluga whales have unique physical features that hinder their social behavior.

B) In addition to their physical traits, a beluga's social behavior also makes them diverse

C) Social behavior and physical traits are important.

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