28.11.2019 • 

Abeautiful parrot lived a carefree life in the jungle. she liked to listen to the humans talk, repeating what she heard. one day, an evil trapper named bert heard her talking, and thought, “i’m going to trap this bird and sell her." he used a piece of delicious papaya to lure her. she wanted the fruit and came down to take a bite. she didn’t see the trapper’s net until it was too late! bert put the parrot in a cage. the parrot was very sad, and she tried using the words she learned to convince bert to set her free: “let me out,” she said. but bert would not set her free. then she got an idea to chew on the lock of her cage. just when she’d almost given up, she nally got the lock open. bert grabbed his net and tried to catch her. but she squawked, “bye, bye! ” and soon she was free in the big blue sky. rewrite in first person view

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