29.06.2021 • 

Answer these questions. (If you'd feel comfortable) and yes, I know this is a HW app, but I'm curious, and I help many ppl through these situations. Trust me. Are you ok..?

Why are you crying every day..?

Why are you heartbroken..?

Do you need help..?

Why are you cutting..?

Are there problems at home?

What's changing you?

I have been through these situations before, and I'm still going through it. So many people say tomorrow will be a new day, or your life is good, but what they don't get is that it's mentally damaged, and they should notice the fact you've been giving them hints every day that you need help, but the sad thing is they don't even see. I've had to deal with this a lot and i still cry over missing someone or my mom taking her anger all out on me and being extra strict and we all know parents are strict but what us dont know is that its hurting us and we can't even feel like a happy person anymore cause we have to deal with this. I have to also go through school and passing because my mom doesn't care about anything but school and if my mom keeps pushing it on me its going to stress me out more. So trust me on things or any of your issues and ill help you get through them and one day you would feel happy.

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