18.02.2021 • 

aye i got 50 on dis Narrative Writing: Removing Irrelevant Details paragraph below has one sentence that is not relevant to the narrative. Cross out that sentence to strengthen the paragraph.Every Friday evening, Ava plays basketball with her friends. They all meet in the park across the street from Ava’s apartment building. Ava also plays lacrosse on the school team. When everyone arrives, they practice dribbling and shooting the ball. Then, they pick their positions. Ava’s favorite position is shooting guard. She loves the feeling when she shoots the ball and her heart stands still for a moment as the ball circles the rim and then, whoosh, it falls in the net! The friends play for hours, but when it gets dark, they all head home. These Friday night games are the highlight of Ava’s week, and she’s already looking forward to next Friday.

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