08.05.2021 • 

Change to active voice. 4.-In 1995 a new version of the New Testament was published.
5.-Children are easily influenced by violent games.
6.- was never warned against drugs.
7.-Two children were found near the White Tower.
8.- The scheme had been introduced by the Mayor. Ken Livingstone.
9.- Many illegal copies are being sold on street corners.
10.- Although help has been offered by some non-profit organizations, the situation of the newly
arrived immigrants is very poor.
11.-Humanitarian causes have often been supported by Spanish society.
12.-All these deaths could have been avoided by health workers.
13.-The car is being repaired in the garage.
14.- The instructions have been changed.
15.-This car was manufactured in Japan by Toyota.
16.-The test will be given at five o'clock this afternoon.
17.- All work will have been completed by five o'clock this evening.
18. - Portuguese has always been spoken in this village.
19. - I've just been stung by a mosquito.
20. - The papers are being made a public now. ​

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