24.06.2019 • 

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of online education and education in a traditional classroom setting. which method of learning is better for students? write an essay in which you try to persuade a classroom teacher that either online or classroom learning is best.essay: although many people still consider traditional universities as the best way to achieve knowledge and get a diploma, online learning proves to be a great alternative. students have the chance to study in their own time and especially for free. it represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of self-motivation. online learning is so effective because students can finish their homework quickly, and there is more time left for hobbies or for finding a job. while students are in school they are forced to sit through lectures and lessons to take notes. when using online schooling you can be more active with what is going on.considering the advantages of online learning compared to public schooling, there are many more benefits. with online schooling, it tends to be cheaper in the sense of not having to buy books. students waste hundreds of dollars every year buying books they're only going to use for a few years. if you're somebody who moves around a lot, you don't have to worry about enrolling in a new school every other year. online programs are very easily transported. the schedule for online schooling is more flexible than any public school could be. if you attend public school you cannot have a seven am class and attend it at four in the afternoon, but with cyber you can do any of your classes at anytime everyday. it's a more hands on way of learning, and you can adapt it to how you learn personally. whether that be taking constant notes, just listening or anything else you can teach yourself the way you'd like to. lastly, online schooling can be done from anywhere, your home, and even work. advantages with public schooling would include being able to socialize with other students and get one-to-one . your teacher or professor would be available to at most times as long as you are enrolled in the school. if you tend to procrastinate, public schooling forces you to stay on task, on pace, and have a tight schedule. public schooling does not require you to have as many technological skills either. in conclusion, online schooling would be the better option specifically because there are more benefits that come with it. if you're the type of person who pushes things off until the last minute, public schooling is the better option. for online schooling you need to be tenacious, and willing to put the time and effort into your work. public schooling comes with many distractions and ways to get off topic and lost.

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