16.12.2021 • 

Directions: You are to choose one of the following writing prompts to respond to with a complete paragraph. Each one pertains to our freedom of speech. For each response, you must have at least 5-7 complete and understandable sentences; and you must cite evidence from the text: “Tinker v. Des Moines: Freedom of Speech for Students”. What does “freedom of speech” mean in the United States? Do you think social media has made freedom of speech more or less important? What do you think it would be like to live in a country which did not guarantee freedom of speech? Should schools be allowed to punish students for what they write on social media? Write or hi-lite the question you decide to respond to; then take a position on the issue and support your response with specific examples and evidence from the text. Direct citation means you include quotes, the author’s name, and page number.

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