23.11.2020 • 

Edit and fix my segment on video games Did you know “the longest study ever done on video game addiction, found that about 90% of gamers do not play in a way that is harmful or causes negative long-term consequences?” In October of 1958 William Higinbotham created the first video game. He wanted to capture people best interest by creating an interactive demonstration. This led him to create the tennis video game. There are many positive and negative effects from playing video games.
many people may say that video games have negative affects while that may be true video games surprisingly have many positive effects for both distributors and costumers. one positive is that video games and the single production of video games benefits people who produce them why you may ask well because they may not have a job and if you take away video games and there production then your taking away someone's job and by doing that you are inducing poverty and screwing up the economy. so video games have positive effects on our economy.
Secondly video games are positive because they help us learn about war because if you look at a lot of the games yes they involve violence but so does history. It has been confirmed that video games actually contain key parts that happened in history such as world War 2 and the Civil War. By playing video games you get a more in person point of view of how it would have felt if you had fought in the war.
lastly video games benefit parents so the parents do not have to deal with children being annoying and misbehaving. not only does this benefit the parents but it also benefits the child because instead of going to shoot up a school they can go relive there stress on a video game instead of in real life. in conclusion these are my reasons for video games actually having positive effects.
To sum up, video games increase your kid’s self-confidence and self-esteem as he masters games. Your kid can transfer this attitude to real life and games that involve multiple players encourage your child to work cooperatively to achieve his goals. Your kid learns to listen to the ideas of others. Video games can make your kid creative. You should recognize that we are now living in a high tech, sophisticated world and with a good selection of games, the positive effects of video games on children can be gained.They can also learn thing from the real world. Lastly I think, playing video games is safer than having your teens do drugs, alcohol and street racing in the real world.

Thank you

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