26.05.2021 • 

HELP 60 POINTS PLUS BRAINLIST!! Describe how the author uses flashback to build surprise in the passage. Be sure to use specific details from the passage in your explanation.

In order to get ready for my trip to Paris, I had met with a French woman named Veronique. I had heard she was the best French language tutor in the Los Angeles area, so I had set up appointment to meet her for lessons at her home. As I had entered her house, she told me that she was a native Parisian who had recently moved to the United States and that she desperately missed France. I had told her that I, too, had missed my home. I was born in Sicily, and I had moved to the United States when I was very young. I had always wondered what it would be like if I had stayed in Sicily. Who would my friends be? What college would I have gone to? What if I had stayed in Sicily and had become a scientist or a nurse instead of studying to become a feature filmmaker? There were so many unknowns, and these thoughts always made me resentful.
As Veronique showed me around her home, I had noticed that the bathrooms had shelves of powder puffs and perfume bottles displayed like diamonds on mirrored platters. I had looked at myself in the mirror and thought about how my parents had moved me to this country without much of anything. They did not have an education because they had never had those opportunities back then. They had worked hard, every day, for years, and they had saved enough money to put me through college.
Here I was, an American citizen studying to be a filmmaker. I had already won an independent film award for a documentary I had made, but I still had so much to learn. Now I was on my way to France to learn the French language. It was my dream to be a filmmaker and to visit France. French film was my favorite genre; the style inspired me, and immersing myself in the French culture was the next logical step in my career.
The day I landed in France, I walked around the airport and rolled my luggage past people speaking French. As I attempted to catch a cab, my bag collided with some woman’s high-heeled shoes, and I accidentally almost tripped her.
"Pardon," I quickly said, hoping that she was not hurt. The woman turned to look at me; it was Veronique.
"Is that you, Veronique?" I said.
"Yes,” she replied. "I came for an impromptu visit."
"You are the last person I expected to bump into here," I said, amazed.
"I am just here for a couple of weeks, and then I'll be going back to L.A.," she said, smiling.
I looked over at the taxi stand and said, "Would you like to share a ride?"
"Yes," she said,"but we have to speak French now. You wouldn't want all those lessons to go to waste."
We laughed and shared a cab toward Paris.

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