19.02.2020 • 

***Help need asap 15 points
1) Which sentence would provide good textual evidence that the leader of the dancing traders was indeed clever?
A) The idea that they had conquered ten men and plundered all their property, now took possession of the robbers' minds.
B) When two traders discuss the price of an article in the presence of a purchaser, they use a riddling sort of language.
C) he traders had no weapons with them, and so, though they were many more in number, they had to submit themselves to the robbers.
D) At the same time he observed that these last had placed their weapons on the ground, in the assurance of having thoroughly cowed the traders.

Which character in this story comes the closest to being a "complex character"?
A) the three thieves
B) the ten merchants
C) the merchant who leads the dance
D) the merchants who gave up fighting

Which is the best statement of the theme of this passage?
A) Dancing can be used in more ways than just entertainment.
B) Merchants are often beset on the road by vicious thieves.
C) Traders should be more careful when traveling through the woods.
D) When everyone else gives up, a clever person can come up with a solution.

***Help need asap 15 points 1) Which sentence would provide good textual evidence that the leader of

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