06.09.2020 • 

Hey, I have this work where I have to interview a teacher but I am to shy to interview one of mine, could you answer these questions for me please . 1. Why did you become a teacher?
2. What do you believe is the purpose of schooling?
3. What does a typical teaching day look like for you?
4. How do you know that your students have understood a lesson?
5. What are some of your favorite activities that you do with your students?
6. How do you ensure that you meet all learners' needs in your classroom?
7. Do you have a funny, interesting, or memorable teaching story that you would like to share?
8. What are some of the biggest benefits of being a teacher?
9. What are some of the biggest challenges of being a teacher?
10. For someone thinking about becoming a teacher, what would you say to them?
11. Anything else that you think is important to know?

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