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From the 4th century A.D.

Excerpts from “Itinerarium Alexandri” Translated by Iolo Davies, 1998

Alexander’s campaigns

…Alexander boasted that he had won his victories for himself alone, and became the more cruel to his friends as his success increased…

…Alexander went straight on to found the Macedonian empire, by his kingly skills, bringing the whole Peloponnese under his rule.

…Accordingly Alexander first settled the affairs of the whole kingdom of the Persians, giving it his own laws and appointing its administrators…

[Alexander] founded for himself a city (not unequal in size to the other cities names after him), Alexandria. He did this as a practical precaution in case he ever had to campaign in that region again. [Some} continued to intrigue against Alexander, however, calling him the oppressor of the world…

…Alexander’s behavior and extravagant life-style… were causing intense disgust among large numbers of his men… They took offense at his luxuries at table, his expensive attire, his vanity in assuming the royal Persian head-dress…This cast a shadow over all the former glorious achievements of his spirit…

….the fault in him grew worse: he now wanted himself worshipped as a god and would have none of being saluted in the manner of mortals.

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