04.06.2020 • 

I need help on chapter 3 of animal farm 1. Why do you think Mollie leaves Animal Farm? What things are important to her? What kind of people in the real world might her character represent?

2. Why do Snowball and Napoleon disagree so often? Think carefully about this. What tactic does Napoleon use repeatedly to disrupt Snowball’s speeches and prevent discussion of certain subjects?

3. What argument does Snowball use to get the animals to support his idea for building the windmill, despite all of the hard work it will require? Do you think this argument is sincere? What counterargument does Napoleon make? Is this argument sincere?

4. After Napoleon announces that the windmill will be built after all, how does Squealer explain Napoleon’s former opposition to it? Why do the animals accept his explanation?

5. Why are the animals happy in their work, despite the fact that they work like slaves? What is ironic about their reason for being happy?

6. How do the pigs handle their violations of the Seven Commandments—how do they get the other animals to accept actions that were once forbidden? (Where are the pigs sleeping? Who are they associating with? What do they tell the others?)

7. What is the most likely cause of the destruction of the windmill? What reasons might Napoleon have for telling the animals that Snowball destroyed it? How does he make this story convincing?
Can someone please help me answer these questions?

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