13.04.2020 • 

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A memoir is a form of autobiographical writing in which a writer shares his or her personal experiences and observations.

The elements of a memoir include the use of first-person point of view, which means that it is told from the writer’s own perspective, using pronouns such as I, my, and we.

Other elements of a memoir include descriptions of people and events important to the writer and personal thoughts and feelings.

Part 1: I DO
Directions: Read the example below from It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership by Colin Powell. Use this as a guide for how to answer the questions below.

1. What elements of a memoir are in the above text? What key idea is introduced here?

The author uses the pronouns I and me, which show first-person point of view. He describes getting a job and the man who gave it to him, Mr. Sickser—an event and a person that were both important to him. Powell’s key idea here is that work is important to him.

Part 2: WE DO
The author of a memoir may choose to tell about people or events that had a strong impact on his or her life.

Directions: Read the text below and answer the question. Part of the question is answered for you.

2. What elements of a memoir can be seen in the text above? How do these descriptions illustrate, or show, key ideas about what is important to Colin Powell?

Colin Powell describes people and events that had strong influences on him. His descriptions of Jay Sickser and his family show that friendship and close relationships are important to him. His descriptions of his Jamaican background show

Part 3: YOU DO
In a memoir, an author often shares personal thoughts and feelings. Thinking about why the author shares this information will help you better understand the text.

Directions: Read the text below. Use the text to answer the questions.

3. Summarize the events Colin Powell shares in the lines above. Why does Colin Powell share this story, and what does it tell readers about who he is, or his personality?

4. How does Colin Powell’s feelings about his jobs and his military career help show the reader what he cares about most?

5. What key idea of the memoir is shown in lines 112–126? What details support this?
a. Always do your best no matter what.
b. Winning is important.
c. Hard work pays off.
d. It is important to hold different jobs.

6. Which of Colin Powell’s key ideas is illustrated, or shown, through the events in lines 134–150?
a. Try to do everything at once.
b. Winning is important.
c. Trying is the first step when you have many tasks to complete.
d. Do what is required first, then worry about other things.

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