28.08.2019 • 

Ihave a goal for this class. i would like you to create your own goal for this class as well. a solid goal follows the dapps formula. let me show you what that anagram means.
d is for dated. you might have a long-term goal of earning a degree and securing a certain job. that's a great goal to have! for this class, we will be focusing on a short-term goal that will you achieve that long-term goal! so, what would that look like? is your goal a c so you can avoid taking this class another time, or are you going to aim higher?
a is for achievable. let's look for challenging, but realistic. if your goal is to make a 100 on every assignment, that might be a bit much.
p is for personal. this has to be your goal. it's your life and your dream, so i can't dictate this one to you. this is also why a c might be a goal for some and an a or b might be a goal for others. you know your schedule and your outside demands. your goal should consider all of those elements.
p is for positive. we want to word this goal in a positive light. show me what you want to do, not what you want to avoid. instead of saying, "i don't want to fail this course," make it positive by saying "i want to earn at least a b in this course." that's positive!
s is for specific. it's a nice idea to say, "i want to do well this semester," but what does that look like? "i want to complete all assignments to the best of my ability" and "i want to submit all assignments early" are some ideas that might .
i told you i had a goal. how does mine look?
d - this semester
a - i want to keep all of my students active in this class for the entire semester
p - i can't stand it when a student goes ghost on me; i feel like i have failed them.
p - i will encourage all of my students to keep trying for the entire semester.
s - i will post weekly, encouraging messages. i will send a text, email, blackboard message and starfish message to students who miss two assignments (check on them and see how i can ).

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