04.03.2021 • 

Im sorry Im sorry I can't be someone you feel like you can trust

Im sorry im not the beautiful, perfect person you could imagine

Im sorry Ive cried so many times

Im sorry for acting happy even when im not

Im sorry for blocking you out when I was scared

Im sorry for making you hate me

Im sorry for saying sorry

Im sorry for bringing pain to you

Im sorry okay? But you just that girl that put's and act on to "get attention"

Im sorry you have to put up with me

Im sorry that your missing out on a wonderful and great friend

Im sorry

Im sorry

Im sorry...

Im sorry

Im sorry I can't be someone you feel like you can trust
Im sorry im not the beautiful, p
Im sorry

Im sorry I can't be someone you feel like you can trust
Im sorry im not the beautiful, p
Im sorry

Im sorry I can't be someone you feel like you can trust
Im sorry im not the beautiful, p
Im sorry

Im sorry I can't be someone you feel like you can trust
Im sorry im not the beautiful, p

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