19.12.2019 • 

kinds of verbs
action verbs the kaplan family works hard every day. they love their
dairy farm. mr. kaplan grows corn near the south pasture.
being verbs there are many small farms in this area.
some farmers become excellent managers, (linking verb)
the farms grow more profitable each year. (linking verb)
write each verb. label it action or being.
1. long ago, farming was different from today.
2. farmers did much of the work by hand.
3. farms lacked today's machinery
4. there were no reliable weather forecasts.
5. some farmers became discouraged.
6. they worried about crop failures.
7. sometimes bad weather or disease defeated them.
8. others seemed inspired by the challenge.
9. they dreamed of better times,
10. these farmers felt proud of their survival.
b write each verb. label it action or linking.
11. look at the map of this area's farms
12. many farms appear different today.
13. some farms remained small.
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14. however, many grew much larger.
15. fewer family members remain on the farm today.
16. many farmers now grow specialized crops.
17. often the farms even look different
18. now huge machinery often appears in fields.
(btw if you me i've not done this assignment because i've been busy atm)

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