22.03.2021 • 

Krista heard the front door open. Her father stepped in, and she ran to give him a hug. He dropped his suitcase and scooped her up. Then he set her down and said, "I have a surprise for you! But first, let's eat. I'm starved." "Mom and I made dinner. It's almost ready." Krista beamed proudly. At dinner, Krista's dad gave her his present with great ceremony. It was a beautiful coral necklace from the Pacific, where he'd been for almost a month. But she could barely look at it because she was so happy to see her father sitting at the dinner table with them again. F Many years later, she wore the necklace on her wedding day.​

Krista heard the front door open. Her father stepped in, and she ran to give him a hug. He dropped

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