23.04.2020 • 

Mikah and his family took a vacation to Florida. Mikah had never been to the beach, so he was very excited. He wanted to swim and make a sand castle. He also wanted to look for sea shells.
They drove for two days to get to Florida. They played car games and told stories and listened to music. It was a very long drive. Mikah was glad when they made it to Florida.
When they arrived, it was raining. Mikah's mom said this happens by the beach. There is a lot of water in the air, so it sometimes rains a little bit each day. She thought the rain would be gone the next day.
The rain did not stop the next day. It kept going for six days. On the last day of their vacation, it finally stopped raining. Mikah and his brother played on the beach all day to make up for a rainy week. Mikah hoped they would never have such a wet vacation again.

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