19.03.2021 • 

MULTIPLE PARTS Part 1 In this part of the assessment, you will write an essay. Carefully read the prompt and texts, and then plan for and write your essay.

Read the two texts, and then respond to the following writing prompt:

Scientists continually study water patterns, including the effects of acid rain, and how hurricanes form over oceans near the equator. Write a four to five paragraph informative essay in which you explain how studying water patterns helps scientists improve life for humans. Use evidence from both texts in your response.

How Hurricanes Form

Hurricanes are the largest and most violent storms on Earth. They are large rotating storms with high speeds that form over warm waters. These storms are known as hurricanes in North America and the Caribbean. However, they have different names in other regions. In South East Asia, they are called typhoons. In the Indian Ocean, they are known as cyclones. Hurricane winds move at the speed of at least 74 miles per hour. They can be as wide as 300 miles. But, how are these huge storms formed?

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