14.01.2021 • 

Must read "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" first, or you cannot answer correctly. Read the following prompt and type your response in the space provided.

You will write two well-developed paragraphs. Each paragraph should be at least 7-8 sentences long.

In your first paragraph, provide evidence from the text of "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" that supports this central idea: Slaves must be kept ignorant and relations kept weak. Clearly explain how the evidence you found supports the central idea.

In your second paragraph, provide evidence from the text of "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" that supports this central idea: Keeping slaves makes slaveholders inhuman. Clearly explain how the evidence you found supports the central idea.

Please refrain from including your opinion in your answer and keep it strictly related to the question asked. Also, I'm really sorry, I know this might be a lot to ask but I really don't know how and I can't try without getting frustrated enough to the point of tears so thank you to those who do decide to help. <3

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