31.05.2021 • 

My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features. 2First,it is noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautiful. 3On either side of this

river, which is 175 feet wide, are many shady willow trees which have long branches

that can move gracefully in the wind. 4In autumn the leaves of these trees fall and

cover the riverbanks like golden snow. 5Second, on the other side of the town

is Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is very steep. 6Eventhough it is steep,

climbing this hill is not dangerous, because there are some firm rocks along the

sides that can be used as stairs. 7There are no trees around this hill, so it stands

clearly against the sky and can be seen from many miles away. 8If you visit

Wheaton Hill you should try the nice restaurant at Wheaton Hill hotel. 9The third

amazing feature is the Big Old Tree. 10This tree stands two hundred feet tall and Paragraph Analysis

 The topic sentence is:

 Irrelevant sentence:

 The paragraph also shows coherence by the use of

◦ Parallel constructions:

◦ Pronouns:

◦ Synonyms: natural features =

◦ Paraphrasing of phrase/sentence:

◦ Repetition of key words:

◦ Transitional words:

 Methods of development/sentence organization used:( more than one method can

be found in the paragraph )

◦ Examples/illustrations: -

◦ Comparison and contrast:

◦ Causes and reasons:

◦ Descriptions or details of each landmark​

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